Help support Lost Pet Research and Recovery with your donation. While we are a for-profit company, LPRR engages in volunteer research projects to further the understanding of lost pet behavior and recovery. If you would like to do so, please indicate whether you would like the donation to go towards research of lost pet behavior and recovery methods or assistance to people who cannot afford lost pet services.
Use the button below to make a donation by PayPal or Venmo to @lostpetresearch.
Checks can be made payable to Lost Pet Research and Recovery (or LPRR) and mailed to: Lost Pet Research, P.O. Box 58, Belchertown, MA 01007.
Please note that LPRR is not a non-profit so donations are not tax deductible, but still very much appreciated. If you would prefer to make a tax deductible donation to help support finding lost pets, then consider donating to Lost Dogs of America, Mission Reunite, HARTT (Humane Animal Rescue and Trapping Team), or the Lost Animal Resource Group (to name a few).