At this time, we are only accepting guest posts from individuals, companies or groups with direct experience in lost pet recovery.
Thank you for your interest in writing a guest post for Lost Pet Research and Recovery.
Below you’ll find our guidelines and instructions on how to submit a pitch for a guest post on our Lost Pet Research Blog.
Our audience
Lost Pet Research and Recovery (LPRR) provides information on lost pet search and recovery techniques and lost pet prevention. We also share information on dog, cat, human and predator behavior as it relates to missing pets. We do NOT post general pet care or health and safety articles that are unrelated to lost pet search or prevention.
Our audience primarily consists of owners that are currently missing their pets. The audience may also include pet owners that have previously lost a pet or those interested in activities with their pet (e.g. traveling, hiking, dog parks, adopting a new pet) and that want to do so safely. The audience also includes both professional and volunteer pet detectives and lost pet consultants.
Understanding this is key if your pitch is to be accepted.
We cover topics such as:
- Lost pet behavior
- Lost pet search and recovery techniques
- Lost pet prevention
- Pet tracking devices (e.g. GPS or radio-trackers)
- Other pet products that promote pet safety
- Pet safety as it relates to traveling, hiking, or other activities pets
- Pet adoption as it relates to preventing loss of the new pet
- Coping with grief or other emotions as it relates to pet loss
We’re open to other topics too; providing they’re written with our audience in mind.
Guest post contributor guidelines
- Your post must be 500 - 1000 words.
- Your post must be unique and written specifically for our audience.
- Your post must not be published elsewhere, and you agree never to republish it on another site.
- Your post should be well written, proof-read and ready to publish.
- You should avoid any basic advice that can be found on many other websites.
- You’re welcome to include external links that are relevant, but they must not be self-promotional or include affiliate links.
- Only relevant images should be included – each image should include a link to its source or the site where the screenshot was taken. Any images in breach of copyright will not be accepted.
- Your post should be written in short, easily digestible paragraphs.
- Your post should be well formatted, and use H2, H3 tags where relevant.
By submitting your article to us, you agree that:
- You give us permission to make any changes to your post that will bring it in-line with our publishing standards. Usually we will decline a post or request that you make changes, but this is necessary in certain situations.
- You give us permission to repurpose your post whenever necessary. We may convert your post into other content types to promote it. This means more visibility for you and your post.
- You give us permission to add our own affiliate links if relevant.
- You agree to promote your post via social media and other promotional channels.
- You give us permission to update the post when required. If it’s preferable, you can update it or we can, but ultimately, we have a duty to ensure that our content is as up to date as possible. After updating, we’ll re-promote the post to our audience.
What to include in your guest post pitch:
- An introduction: tell us who you are, what you do and your experience.
- Samples: include links to at least 3 posts you’ve written from sites that aren’t your own. If you are a pet detective, missing animal response technician, lost pet consultant, or pet rescuer, you may provide a link to your own site and/or sample of your writing instead.
- Who you work for: who will you be linking to in your author bio?
- Topic ideas: include at least 3 topic ideas with suggested headlines. Please note that articles related to lost pet behavior or recovery will only be accepted if you have relevant experience in this field.
- Confirmation to follow all our guidelines: you must confirm that you agree to follow all our contributor guidelines (listed above).
The points listed above aren’t optional; they are all required. We’re super-specific about what to include because it will separate your pitch from other guest post pitches. We receive plenty of those horrible spammy pitches that have been emailed out in batches of 200 or more.
If you miss out any of the above, it’ll tell us that you haven’t read this page. And if you can’t follow our guidelines on pitching, it stands to reason that you probably won’t follow the rest of our guest post guidelines either.
Where to send your pitch
Send an email to sales [at] with “I want to write for Lost Pet Research” in the subject line.
At this time there are no fees for submitting or publishing a guest post.
If you’ve followed our list of what to include in your pitch, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you!