Please select the appropriate Lost Pet Questionnaire and complete it at least 1 hour prior to your scheduled phone consultation or as soon as possible for an email consultation or on-site search.
Please also email files or photos of any posters or flyers that you are currently using. If you don’t yet have any, then just send a photo of your pet.
The questionnaire collects detailed information on your lost pet (in addition to the Lost Pet Form) and receiving this information prior to a consultation or on-site assistance will result in a much more thorough consultation. If your pet has been missing less than 48 hours, this step may be skipped in order to provide assistance as soon as possible.
Online Lost Pet Questionnaires
Lost Indoor-Only Cat Questionnaire – for any cat that is never allowed outside unless supervised or in an enclosure.
Lost Outdoor-Access Cat Questionnaire – for any cat that is allowed outside unsupervised even if only in their own yard or for short periods of time.
Lost Cat Questionnaire for Displaced Cats – for any cat lost from an unfamiliar location such as the vet’s office, boarding facility, while traveling, or after a move to a new home. This can also include a newly adopted cat.