Surveillance (e.g. trail camera)

Cat Feeding Station Best Practices to Avoid Coyotes

Cat feeding stations are commonly used to feed feral cat colonies and outdoor/barn cats.  They are also frequently used to help locate a missing cat.  When searching for a lost cat, the feeding station is often set up with a surveillance camera to verify that the cat is present before setting a humane trap.   […]

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Recommended Lost Pet Search Equipment

The following lost pet search equipment is recommended by Lost Pet Research and Recovery based on over 10 years of lost pet recovery experience.  Also included are some tools recommended by other pet detectives.  If you have suggestions, please add them in the comments. Lost Pet Research participates in affiliate referral programs including Amazon Associates.

Recommended Lost Pet Search Equipment Read More »

Security Cameras: one of the best tools for finding escaped indoor cats

Some of the most effective methods for finding an escaped indoor cat include: security cameras, trail cameras, humane cat traps, physical searches, search dogs, flyers distributed door-to-door and well-designed posters.  I recommend using all these techniques, but if I could only use one tool, I would use security cameras. Continue reading to learn:Why security cameras are

Security Cameras: one of the best tools for finding escaped indoor cats Read More »

Can Cats See or Hear Wildlife Cameras?

Wildlife cameras (also called trail or game cameras) are often recommended by pet detectives as a method to help locate missing cats.  They can be particularly helpful to determine the presence of an escaped indoor-only cat, since these cats tend to hide nearby and venture out at night.  Wildlife cameras are also commonly used by wildlife biologists in

Can Cats See or Hear Wildlife Cameras? Read More »

When NOT to Use a Tracking Dog to Find a Lost Dog

The idea of using a tracking dog to find a lost dog is very compelling, but most people who pursue this option do not have a good understanding of how a tracking (or trailing) dog works.  In some cases a tracking dog CAN provide useful information for locating a lost dog such as confirming sightings or

When NOT to Use a Tracking Dog to Find a Lost Dog Read More »

Wireless Wildlife Cameras and Trap Alarms

Humane cage traps and enclosure traps are effective methods for catching escaped indoor-only cats, outdoor-access cats lost away from home and skittish lost dogs.  However, monitoring a trap is often very labor intensive, especially when set away from your home.  Checking the trap frequently (such as every four hours in good weather) is important not only

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Online Resources for Selecting and Using a Trail Camera

Trail cameras (also called wildlife, game, scouting, motion-sensitive, surveillance or remote cameras) can be highly effective tools for helping locate and recover displaced cats (including escaped indoor-only cats) and skittish lost dogs.  They can help provide evidence that the lost pet is in the area and whether s/he will enter a humane trap if one

Online Resources for Selecting and Using a Trail Camera Read More »

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