Don’t miss out on these FREE Search Checklists for Lost Cats and Dogs!
Many lost cats and dogs can be found if you just know the proper search techniques and the sooner you implement these techniques, the quicker you can find your lost pet. The Lost Pet Research & Recovery Search Checklists are the only lost pet search checklists based on research and data collected from more than a decade of experience finding lost pets.
The Lost Pet Search Checklists are packed with effective, science-based recovery technique specific to your type of missing pet.
Best for escaped or missing indoor-only cats. This checklist is most specific to indoor cats with limited or no outdoor experience. Works for indoor cats lost from home or an unfamiliar location.
Best for cats allowed outdoors unsupervised and that went missing from their home or a familiar location. Do not use this checklist if your cat was newly adopted or only recently started going outside at this location. Instead see the Search Checklist for Cats Lost Away from Home.
Best for cats lost from an unfamiliar location such as a new home, while traveling, vet's office or boarding location, camping, hotel or vacation home, or accidental transport in a vehicle. Also works for recently adopted cats that go missing from a new home.
This checklist works well for dogs in many situations. It also contains specific search tactics for dogs that run away, escape or are otherwise skittish or scared.